Posted by Jess Walinski at 1:00 PM 1 comments
We started the weekend at our friends Cara and Patrick's for the "All the Holidays the Boys will miss while on Deployment Party" Wow! So much fun... who doesn't enjoy dressing up and wearing silly costumes??
BW and I were not very creative, so we just wore our halloween costumes. He loves that crazy 80s wig and wears it any chance he gets!
My beautiful girls!
Our fabulous foursome! We miss you guys!!
So, the weekend was a success and I could not have asked for anything more. We had so much fun with each other as well as with all of our friends.
Back to work now and this week has brought some exciting news, but that will have to wait until things are known for sure... But I am definitely on edge waiting to hear for sure on it and am really excted about the possibilities. Hope your weekend was as great as mine!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 5:23 PM 1 comments
I am soo happy it is Friday... not only is the work week over and I now have 3 days off, but it means it is time for some serious fun, and I get to see BW again! This weekend is the Strikefighter Ball up in Norfolk VA with all the Navy Jet Pilots... Navy Balls are so much fun I cannot wait!! BW and I are heading up tonight because our friends Cara and Patrick are planng a fun party for the boys in his sqaudron before they deploy -- all the holidays they are going to miss costume party -- and I can't wait to see them and everyone else! Then tomorrow night is the Ball and BW tells me it is going to be huge, so I am assuming there will be friends there we haven't seen in a long time and I am very excited to get to see them as well as the ones we have seen recently. This will be a super fun-filled busy weekend and it is going to be a blast!!!! I am so excited...
Plus, I heard yesterday that my extension was approved so I no longer have to worry about my job situation and turning up unemployed and homeless =) I am at ease about staying at UNC and that makes me very happy and stress-free.
Stand by for pictures from our crazy fun weekend!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 1:14 PM 0 comments
So my search for a job in South Carolina or Georgia has resulted in nothing. Apparently travel NICU nurses are not being used in that area, or there are just no openings at this time. So, needless to say this has brought GREAT stress to my life... however, as of last night I spoke with my manager at UNC and have requested to stay at UNC for another contract. Even though I was hoping to be closer to BW, at least I am someplace where I am comfortable, have friends, like the hospital / staff and know the drive to BW's is only 4.5 -5 hours... do-able for the weekends. SO, that's the decision... remaining in NC until the end of November; granted nothing is set in stone as of yet, but its about 98% for sure.. as a bonus found out today from my recruiter that I will be getting a small raise in staying so that is always nice!! I am happy to have the decision taken care of, a little disappointed that I will not be at my ideal location, closer to BW, however I am not really upset about the decision to stay. Like I said, I do enjoy wear I am and am happy with the unit I am working in. So, thanks to those of you for the support and prayers during this time!!! And, those of you who have been around, thanks for putting up with the stressed-out Jessie =) during this time!!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 10:14 PM 1 comments
Well, it's "that time" again... well, actually it's a little past the time. My contract at UNC is ending in 3 weeks!!! I am ready to move on and work someplace new, make some more new friends and experience a new place. However, there seem to be no NICU openings in the South East at this time. I have decided on where I want to go, which is the biggest decision, I am just now waiting for something to open up in the area. I am currently hoping to have my next move be either Savannah GA or Charleston SC, or someplace in those areas... closer to Bluffton / Beaufort SC.
As I have done many other times when I want to be someplace specific, I have applied with a new travel company which means a new recruiter who is "in charge" of my life, so to speak. He is the one who finds a job opening for me, and if there are no openings then he is the one who works with the hospitals in the area(s) I am interested in to try and encourage them to consider me. Even though I start working with a new recruiter, I always work with the same recruiter I have been with for the past 4yrs as well as other recruiters I have talked with and worked with previously. So, while trying someone new I still have the rapport built with MY recruiter and am able to trust what she can do for me and know that she knows me and will place me someplace I will enjoy... Well, last week my recruiter (the one I have been with for 4yrs) called and left me a message to tell me she "had some news" so of course I called her back right away, thinking maybe the "news" was a job opening in one of my choice places... Turns out, her "news" was that the next day was her LAST DAY!!! Talk about stress... Now, the recruiter I have worked with for so long and who knows me and I have faith in to take care of me is gone, before I have my next assignment! And, the rapport I was starting to build with the new guy was shook the same day when he thought he could place me in any OB unit in the hospital, not necessarily the NICU -- NO! I only work NICU!! So, it has been a stressful week when I think about my employment situation at this time. However, if there is one thing I have learned it is that the jobs come open and fill quickly in the travel nursing field, and I still have 3 weeks so that is plenty of time... at least that is what I keep trying to remind myself. Plus, I know that GOD will take care of me and will open the doors that are right for me and all I can do is trust in HIM. HE has never let me down yet. So, if you think of it, keep me and my next assignment in your thoughts and prayers. I will definitely keep you updated on what happens!
Oh yeah, my recruiter from the past 4yrs did set me up with another recruiter at the company who she says is really great and one of her best friends so I am sure I will enjoy working with her. But, it's just a little uneasy to be working with all new people and not someone I have a relationship built with. I am sure either of the two recruiters I am working with will be able to find me something great and take care of me.
Posted by Jess Walinski at 8:17 AM 1 comments