I don't even know where to start, the past few weeks have been the busiest I have had in a very long time... but they have been so much fun too! =) So, let's see... where to start.
After the StrikeFighter Ball we came back and I went back to work for my three days and then I went down to South Carolina to spend Labor Day with BW. We spent lots of time working on getting things taken care of at his house and getting it all put together... Well, I spent a lot of time watching college football and enjoying the pool while the house was getting taken care of =) Then we spent some time on the beach playing in the ocean... so much fun!
Then went down to Savannah to have oysters at our favorite place. Overall the weekend was a blast.
Again, I came home and worked my next three nights and unpacked my suitcase and repacked it for the next weekend. The next trip was to Ohio to spend some time with my family and friends. Spent Saturday at The Horseshoe rooting on my team O-H-I-O!
And the rest of the weekend was spent playing wtih my sweet nephew and spending time with some family I don't see often enough. It was really nice and relaxing and I miss that sweet boy so much already...
Flew back to NC and went to work that night and the next two... unpacked, repacked and headed back to the airport!! This time I flew up to Rhode Island for a wedding for one of the boys BW went to the Academy with. Very exciting since I had never been to RI and the wedding was in Newport which I have heard all good things about. However, exhausted is not even the right word to explain how I felt when I arrived. But, off we went to the Rehearsal Dinner on a dinner crusie ship and then out in Newport for the night. It was super fun.
Saturday was beautiful for the wedding and the reception was a lot of fun as well. Now, the trip home on Sunday.... well, the drive from Rhode Island to North Carolina with a stop in VA Beach is a RREEAALLY long one!!!! But, BW and one of the other guys drove the whole trip to VA Beach (12hrs) so I was just relaxing and napping in the backseat... with the luggage and wedding gifts! Not so much room, but what can ya do. So, the final hours of the drive, VA Beach to NC, I drove just a little and we arrived home around 230am! What a long day!!
Today, I have enjoyed some time at the pool with one of my friends I haven't seen in a long time here and lots of time just relaxing on the couch! Something I haven't done since.... I don't even know when! I have some errands to run and some laundry to do and house cleaning to do... and I am trying to psych myself up for those things, but right now Layla and I are enjoying just doing nothing! It has been exhausting for her too... she has been making new friends with Ang and this weekend went to "camp" and had lots of fun.
But, I think she is happy to have mom back home and not working.
It makes my heart happy to see that big smile on your face and to see you two back together. Love you and SUPER excited to see you this weekend!
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