Saturday, October 11, 2008

Long Time

I just realized it has been a long time since I blogged about anything that has been going on... that would be because I have been too busy to sit down and do so!
Last weekend I went down to BW's for a base-sponsored chili cook-off. It was lots of fun... Basically all of the different squadrons on the base set up a tent in the common lawn area of the base housing and decide on a "theme" for their tent/squadron for the night. Of course BW and his boys decided they needed to dress up in 80s outfits, it seems to be their favorite thing to do! However they did not decorate the tent area at all, but we did have some great music playing and there was a car set-up in front of our tent for people to hit with a sledge hammer... apparently those Marines, and a couple of the guys in BW's squadron have lots of built up aggression they took out on that car!! Some of the other squadrons were really creative and that made the night a lot of fun. Each squadron was supposed to have chili for the judges to sample as well, so there was plenty of chili to eat =) It was also great to be at an event with the whole base because we were able to see some old friends who are stationed there but because they are all Marines and BW is Navy we don't see them often, and some I didn't even know where there! So, it was great to see them all. Overall another great weekend spent with my beau =)
As for the week.... I worked ALL week! Our census has been crazy high and so they actually let me work overtime. This is a big deal because usually there is no overtime what-so-ever allowed for travelers, so it will be nice to see that little bit of extra $$ next week in my paycheck.. but man it made for a long week! I am only used to working 3 nights ya know =) That fourth is a big deal!
The next few weekends are going to get busy again, but I am looking forward to it all. Will be back in Ohio for some days in a couple weeks so I am looking forward to that. Hope to catch up with a couple Cali friends the next couple weeks as long as all the timing and such works out. And of course spending time with BW =)