Well, I finished my contract at UNC Thursday night and BW and I spent all day Friday and Saturday packing everything in my apartment, loading it into the cars and driving back to his house. Funny how as a travel nurse I have always been able to fit everything into my car, even when I drove a Jeep Liberty... now (4yrs later) my things fit into my 4Runner and his Tahoe. Apparently I have grown, I cannot figure out what is new! But, I blame BW =) Everything fit in my car until I we started moving "together" to the same areas, so it has be his fault!! Haha But, honestly I am soooo thankful to have had him helping me the past couple of days. It would have been awful to have had to try and get everything done on my own and it relieves so much stress for me when he is around.
So, now that my contract at UNC is over I should have new job news to share... however I don't. This is the first time, not counting when the hospital in TX cancelled all travelers during our contracts, that I have completed a contract and not had something new lined up and ready to go. It's really kinda scary... I have never known the frustration and stress of actually looking for a job and not finding what I want! I have been really blessed. But, I think that with the economy scare the way it is now many hospitals have started cutting back on travelers, which leaves me in a bind! Not to mention that I was trying to line something up the week of Thanksgiving, managers don't work holidays!!! So, I am hopeful that this week (not being a holiday) managers will be back in the office and will be able to take a look at my profile and hopefully I will have a job lined up early in the week. Thank God for BW and the fact that I can be staying at his house right now and not worrying about where I am living until I find a job!
I will keep you posted on what happens this week... I have a couple things "in the works" for jobs and am very optimistic about one, very hopeful about another and not expecting much from the third, but anything could happen! Please keep this situation in your prayers. Thanks so much!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
All Packed Up
Posted by Jess Walinski at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving has become so different since I was a kid, and I miss those days! Always knowing that I would have the time off (since I am working this year) and knowing that I would be together with my family and all those who are important to me. This year, its just me and Layla... and of course I will be enjoying Thanksgiving "dinner" at work tonight with my fellow co-workers... it doesn't seem like a holiday at all. I miss my mom and all that she brought to Thanksgiving and every day of my life. I miss being with my family and celebrating and eating ... there are so many fun memories from those many years spent together (and I look forward to more fun memories in the years to come as well). I miss being with friends and BW.
But, I am thankful for soo many things! I am thankful for the memories I have of my mom and all the fun she brought to life and to Thanksgiving. I am thankful for the love she had for me and for the way she taught me to love and to live life. I am thankful for my family, even if I don't get to be with them as much as I would like. I am thankful for my friends and how amazing they are. There are a few special ones who I cherish deeply and could not make it without. I cannot imagine life without those girls and am so thankful for what they have each brought to my life. I am thankful for BW and for the relationship I am able to have with him and all the great times we have to spend together. Not to mention all the wonderful things he does for me and the ways he supports me and helps me. I am thankful for Layla... even though sometimes I have to really remind myself of that one!!! =) I am thankful for all the blessings in my life.
I hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday and were able to enjoy some great food and great times with family and friends!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday 10
2) Me and my two favorite boys! Cody and LaShawn... pure happiness!
I always get to spend lots of time with Cody during my visits back to Ohio, and I love every minute of it. However, it has been a very long time since I was able to spend time with my first little boy love, LaShawn. I was able to spend Sunday afternoon with him during this visit and it was so much fun to be able to play with him and just be together again.
3) Shawn (my brother), Cody (my nephew) and my dad.
4) Playing with Cody is my favorite thing to do in Ohio
The one thing I look forward to the most during any trip back to Ohio is all the time I am able to spend with my nephew Cody. He is the cutest little guy ever and we have so much fun playing the whole time I am there. It gets harder and harder to leave each time, I miss that boy!!
5) An oyster roast at BW's with his grandmother, dad and aunt

BW's dad, aunt and grandmother came down to visit and see his new house over Veteran's Day weekend. Luckily I was able to go down and visit for a day or two during the weekend. It was great to see them again and spend some time with them.
6) Lunch in Charleston with BW's grandmother, aunt and dad

We spent Sunday in Charleston SC just looking around at all the beautiful old buildings. It was so much fun to be with his family for the weekend and visit with them again.
7) Brian and I with the F-18

During his family's weekend visit we went to base to see the jets that BW flies. It was great to get the "tour" of base with him and have him tell us all about the jets and what he does at work. I love getting to be a part of his life, and am so proud of him and all that his job entails in protecting our country and our freedom.
8) Alix and I celebrating her 30th birthday!
What a big year for Alix! She was married in June and then turned 30 last weekend!! I am so glad that I have been able to be here (close) and be a part of all of these special events in her life.
9) BW and I celebrating Alix's birthday
10) All the girls celebrating with Alix
What a great group of girls! We had so much fun going to dinner and then out in Raleigh and celebrating our friendship with Alix as well as her 30th birthday. It was a super fun night and I am so glad that Alix was able to have such a great time!!
Whew! So, there are my favorite 10 pictures from the past few weeks. It has been a busy month, but it has been lots of fun! And I am looking forward to the fun of the next couple weeks!!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Two Weeks Notice
Today is one week until my birthday =) and two weeks until I am out of a job =(
The good news is that I will be done with my current contract, only meaning done with the manager that apparently has issues with me. And that it will be time to start someplace new... new place, new friends, new things to do. Hopefully it will mean a new place closer to BW. However, at this time I do not have anything lined up which means the stress level in my life right now... yeah, all time high (let's not forget last week's fun car accident). So, I am working with as many recruiters as I can keep track of, or maybe a few more than that, to try and find a job in South Carolina. Please keep this in your prayers. I do have a possible opening that I am considering in Wilmington NC. It's not that much closer, but I guess an hour off the drive is something.
Hopefully this week will not only bring fun birthday things to look forward to =) But also, a birthday wish granted... a job in South Carolina!!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So, I have decided that NC drivers are pretty much the worst out there... I will take Cali drivers any day! Tonight on my way to work I was in an accident =( Poor Jessie. Everyone on the freeway was hitting their brakes (for reasons still unknown to me) and so I did as well... however the lady in front of me decided that since others were braking she should completely STOP in the middle of the lane on the freeway, even though those cars in front of her were moving again!!! So, yes, I hit her. So mad. So after the initial shock wave passed (there were more to come within the next hour, don't worry) we started talking and decided to just exchange information because there was no damage to her car -- mine does have a broken front bumper-part =( And during this exchange she told me "I saw you coming" So, are you telling me that you came to a complete stop ON THE FREEWAY for no reason and remained that way, even though those in front of you were moving, because you "saw me coming" and thought this would be a fun activity for me on my way to work???!!! thanks.
So, on to work I went... and the pain started. =( Boo for whiplash. I spent a couple hours in the ER to receive a script for Vicoden (thanks nice ER doc!) and a work excuse for tonight so I am at home enjoying the effects of the Vicoden (again, thanks doc!!) and filling out on-line insurance claims reports just in case she calls her insurance... oh yeah because her other comment to me was "I feel fine now, but you never know how my neck might feel in a day or two..." Oh, so we are going to play that game, are we now? I can tell you that it is going to be sore!! My head hurt within the 30min it took me to finish getting to work. Well, since she declined calling the police or medical professionals I feel she declined her right to try and cause trouble in a few days when she thinks her neck hurts... at least I made it to the ER an hour after the accident (only because my docs and nurses made me go).
AARRRGGGH. I am not happy about tonight =( as if I needed to leave work early and upset that oh-so-nice manager who already has a problem with me (still unknown to me). Fabulous.
Posted by Jess Walinski at 1:49 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Posted by Jess Walinski at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
High Stress Week
So, this is an election full of firsts -- not only for our country but for me as well. This is really the first election I can say I have actually paid full attention to and cared about... because of how it will directly effect my life via BW's military status. Basically the new president will be his BOSS! So, needless to say, I have had lots of high stress related to everything leading up to this upcoming Tuesday... I am ready for the results and to get started with this new president's leadership. The anxiety that I have felt related to this election has really blown me away... but, what more can I do but VOTE (which I have already sent my absentee ballot in!!) and PRAY... and wait (that's the worst part!)
Now, with this being Nov 2 I am now in the last few weeks (4) of my contract at my current hospital which means I need to be finding a new job! I will not be staying where I am for different reason, the biggest being a 5hr drive to BW, but other important reasons as well... so, I would love to get a job lined up this week... although, so far I have not heard of any openings in the South East at all for travel NICU nurses... come on guys!!! I know you need holiday help!!! You want ME =) so, join me this week in praying for a job... specifially in Savannah =)
Also, just because that is not enough stress for this week, tomorrow (Mon) would be mom's birthday. Obviously not an easy day anymore... love you momma!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 10:08 PM 0 comments