Monday, November 17, 2008

Two Weeks Notice

Today is one week until my birthday =) and two weeks until I am out of a job =(

The good news is that I will be done with my current contract, only meaning done with the manager that apparently has issues with me. And that it will be time to start someplace new... new place, new friends, new things to do. Hopefully it will mean a new place closer to BW. However, at this time I do not have anything lined up which means the stress level in my life right now... yeah, all time high (let's not forget last week's fun car accident). So, I am working with as many recruiters as I can keep track of, or maybe a few more than that, to try and find a job in South Carolina. Please keep this in your prayers. I do have a possible opening that I am considering in Wilmington NC. It's not that much closer, but I guess an hour off the drive is something.

Hopefully this week will not only bring fun birthday things to look forward to =) But also, a birthday wish granted... a job in South Carolina!!