Well its been a week since I talked to BW, over that since I saw him... and I am doing fine (for the most part). Not that I didn't think I would be "ok" I knew I would. It's not like our entire relationship hasn't been long distance up until recently and we have spent many months not seeing each other. It is just different this time because we can't talk every day, but we do have email (and he is doing much better with writing emails) and I am very thankful for that.
It just seems that recently so many girls at work are dealing with the "hardships" of not seeing their husbands/boyfriends for "sooo long" and I am over it. Is that bad? I don't really think so. I just don't really need to hear someone else go on and on about how they "haven't seen him for 5 whole days!" Or the one girl who thought she would be coming in tonight with a swollen face and red eyes from crying all day since he just left today and has been walking around all night trying to get people to ask how she is doing... I just can't handle that, whether or not my man is gone, don't bring it to work. Life does go on, girls!
I am actually looking forward to a great month... work is super busy which is fantastic for me, I am getting at least one night of overtime each week -- could have more, but four nights is enough for me!! My weekends are all full of fun stuff... a fun wives' club meeting last weekend, a party with the girls from work this Friday, Alix coming into town Friday and Saturday; Alicia coming to town next weekend (and we cannot wait for some serious A & J time!!) and then the boys are back the next weekend!
All-in-all everything is great, I guess I just needed a little "venting therapy" for my own well-being and after reading another military wive's blog along the same lines of what I am feeling just wanted to get my thoughts out. Don't get me wrong, I miss my boy... lots some days! But, he is worth this wait, as well as all the others and I am just looking forward to the fun we will be back to having when he is back in town!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Doing Just Fine
Posted by Jess Walinski at 3:31 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Beach
Last weekend when we went out to the beach BW bought me a bike, which was great... I rode it that day and one other and then it broke =( Not really broke, but it broke. So we were able to take it back on Monday when he was off and have the guy fix it. Of course while we waited for the bike to get fixed we went out to the beach to sit... It was amazing. I love love love living so close to the beach and being able to just see the water and be in the sun. It was kinda chilly on Monday, but it was just great to have that hour to just sit and be with BW and enjoy each other, the weather and of course the beach.
Posted by Jess Walinski at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
So it Begins
BW left this morning, along with all of his squadron, to head out to The Boat for a month of flying. And so this begins the long times of him being gone before his actual deployment. We had a great weekend before he left, it was important for both of us and we both enjoyed it. Friday afternoon he took me to base to play around in the flight simulator and see how well I could "fly"... I am not so good, but I didn't crash,that's a bonus! =) Friday night we spent in Charleston SC walking around and enjoying the weather. Saturday unfortunately the weather was nasty and rainy so we were unable to sight-see anymore, so we just headed back home and went out to dinner for V's Day (by the way he bought me beautiful roses!!). Sunday I was able to go into base and watch him fly, the guys were practicing for the boat landings so I went out to "the shack" and watched them fly around. It was fun to see him do his thing! Then Sunday evening all the guys and their wives came over for an oyster roast / crab boil. We had a blast, BW and I absolutely love to eat oysters and crabs and we enjoy having everyone over to the house as well. It was really nice to be together with everyone before they all left. Yesterday we just spent the day together getting him all packed up and ready to go, it was nice to just "be" together.
I am working tonight which is great because it is overtime! This girl needs some extra $$$ anytime I can get it! And the next few weeks are going to be pretty busy which will help the time without BW pass. This weekend I work and have a meeting and then am getting together with the girls from work. Next weekend Alix is coming to town. The week after Alicia is here (WHO-HOO!!!) And then the weekend after BW comes home... so, it should go pretty quick. Hopefully communications from the boat will be in working order and so we will be able to email and maybe even say "hi" once in awhile.
Hope your Valentine's Day was great and you have a wonderful week. I will upload some pictures of BW and I in front of the plane with his name on it (exciting) and of us on the beach on Monday. Gotta love South Carolina weather!!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
A Day at the Beach
After the cold weather last week the warm up this weekend was wonderful! It was in the high 60s and 70s all weekend... so we went to the beach! BW and I spent just a little bit of time down on the beach on Saturday and then Sunday we took Layla and went back for a few hours. It was wonderful!!
Is that not the cutest picture? =) I think so... Layla loved being out with us and playing on the beach, and she did great! (the remote dog trainer was the best money I ever spent!!!) And BW and I had a blast as well.
BW bought me a bike so we took a nice bike ride down the beach... wow, can't tell ya the last time I rode a bike, let alone on the beach!! But, it was fun and I am super excited to take more bike rides with him while he is here.
Now it is back to the work week and looking forward to next weekend, which incidentally will be our last weekend together before he leaves and starts the serious work-up phases. I am sure it will be a great weekend and I am looking forward to it.
Have a great week!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I just want to remind everyone that I am a WARM WEATHER GIRL. Now, with that said I will update you on the weather here in Savannah the past few days... cold, cold, COLDER! I have had to take my fleece to work in case I get cold during the night (not uncommon) and then my huge down coat for walking to the car -- this morning wearing my OSU fleece hat (thanks dad!) and my gloves, with my sunglasses of course! =) The girls threatened to not take me to breakfast with them if I didn't take off the ski gear, but this girl does NOT do cold!
So, this evening I watched the news before work and learned that the all time record low was 19 set back in 1966 and... yes, tonight we should be so lucky to beat that low! WHAT?!?!?! That is not a record I want to be a part of. However, tomorrow it is supposed to be in the high 50s and through the weekend it is supposed to be sunny and in the 70s and continue that way through next week. HOORAY!!! Just livin' for the weekend =)
Posted by Jess Walinski at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
All unpacked and settled... FINALLY!
So, I am totally one of those people who likes to be completely unpacked and "settled" basically the day I move in someplace! HA. Well, things being what they have been, basically BW and I spending the weekends doing "fun" things... the final unpacking, hanging of pictures and such was put off. But, it has been way too bright in my room during the working week and so I said we HAD to spend this past Saturday covering the windows in the bedroom and putting the pictures up on the walls. So, now I am settled! A month is not too long I guess... here are some pictures of the place all put together =)
The living room. Layla seems to be more comfortable in our new home as well.
This is my cute little dining room, but it is just an "extra" room for me instead. It does have a desk in the corner which is really nice. And the closet holds all my scrubs =)
My kitchen is TINY but, it is perfect for me. And I love how bright it is with the yellow walls and all of my "things" =)
My bathroom is tiny as well, and outdated, but it works. And there is a huge linen closet on the left that is fantastic!
My bedroom is actually really big, and I love it. The double closests are both rather small, but with two of them it works out fine. And, the three windows are great... if you don't sleep during the day and need it dark!! But, black fleece under the miniblinds does wonders! And now I am excited for how dark it will be during the day.... plus there are plenty of windows with LOTS of sunlight in the living room!
Posted by Jess Walinski at 12:48 PM 1 comments