Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prayer Requests

There are always things to be prayed for, but it seems that sometimes the list of "serious" things just goes on and on. This week I kinda feel that way... so thought I would share a couple things and if you think about it, you can lift these requests up to God with me.

  • my brother and his wife Jen
  • my cousin Chuck who just returned from deployment and his wife
  • BW as he (and his squadron) finish their last work-up DET before deployment
  • my dear friend Alicia
  • my friend Alix and her pregnancy

A family that needs prayer especially is this blog family as they mourn the loss of their baby. They have been on the ultimate NICU journey and faced so many difficult days while continuing to keep their focus on God and his will.

It is when reading these other blogs that I am reminded that our Faith is the only thing that carries us through these difficult times. I will never forget the amazing display of faith that my aunt and my momma showed as they were facing their hard days. Nor will I forget the peace that we felt as we walked through those times of loss with them. The pain of those sad days is still real to me, as I assume it will always be, but I am grateful when I am reminded of the peace that came with our faith in God. I do not know how anyone makes it through these times without that faith and that peace and the loving arms of God to fall into. But, I am so thankful that I have it. So as my family faces challenges now that we are all lifting up in prayer I know that God is with us and will take care of all of us as we go through these circumstances as well.