With the big D-day looming ahead of us... BW and I have continued to keep all non-working days/hours packed full of fun activities and great times together. Which leads to why it has been so long since I have posted anything (that and I just got my computer back this past weekend so I need to work on getting some photos uploaded).
I will try to give a quick run-down of our latest adventures in Bluffton since we came home from our vacation...
- we both worked 3 days/nights the week after we got back... I guess it was nice to "ease" back into the regular schedule (for BW anyway)
- Farewell party for one of the guys' in the squadron at our community center. It was super fun to be together again with our squadron "family" and especially for me to see all the girls again! With the boys home we all go our separate ways and as much as I love having him home, I do miss the girl time we have when they are gone. We will miss the couple who is moving on, but wish them lots of luck and happiness! We had a blast that night at their party.
- Fourth of July... celebrated at another couple's community center with the squadron "Bluffton" friends as well as other friends. Boys and fireworks... wow, probably a bad combo! But, we had a great time, and no one was burnt!
- Lots of time spent in the sun either at our lazy river.. ahh, my favorite place!!! Or at Hilton Head Beach. Sushi dinner, pretty much a weekend tradition! We both had 5 days off over the holiday weekend so it was fun to spend it together.
- Again, back to work for the week
- Friday night we had dinner (sushi, of course) and went out in Hilton Head with a couple of the guys from the squadron
- Saturday test drove a couple cars -- BW is actually looking at maybe laying the Tahoe to rest... man I wish he would!! That evening we went to the local seafood store and bought some shrimp and craw fish to take home for dinner. WOW! I have a new favorite!!! This was my first experience with craw fish (BW had had them in New Orleans one time before) and I L.O.V.E. them!!! Plus, it is always so much fun to have the guys come over and cook up some seafood and sit out on the patio and enjoy the weather and food. We went that night and saw the 80s cover band that the boys' are in love with, always a good time.
- Sunday was a nice relaxing day... some time at the lazy river, an afternoon nap for me =) a bike ride with BW, Layla and I (which, just FYI means I pedaled my little heart out and BW just sat on his bike holding Layla's leash as she runs). Dinner with BW and the roommate... overall a great day!
- and now it is back to work again
We have been able to re-organize some things at the house to help with putting away more of my things. And we are now looking forward to another weekend (maybe even to include... more craw fish and sushi =) yum!) at the end of this long work week to spend together.. I know there are probably 150,387 things that will need to be done to "get ready" but I am looking forward to just being together. Everything else will fall into place.... which means, I will take care of it later =)
Our emotions are both running a little crazy... stress not only from the big day looming over us, but we both have stress from work things as well. We are adjusting... and doing the best that, I think, can be expected. I will try to get some pictures uploaded... we will see if I can find that kind of time =) Have a great week!
Enjoy the time you have and know that once "IT" finally comes... it's all downhill from there! :)
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