I don't think I have ever been so excited for summer to be over. Not that I want summer to end, but as it does that means the days are going by and I am that much closer to BW coming home! Plus, things that we have enjoyed doing together just are not as much fun to do alone. I love some "me time" but... I think I have met my quota for awhile! Plus, once summer ends that means it is FOOTBALL SEASON!!!
Actually I have been able to stay pretty busy the past couple weeks since he left... work is booming which is great for me picking up plenty of overtime and working extra not only brings in extra $$ (retail therapy, anyone??) but it also makes the days go by much faster... eat, work, sleep, repeat. The weekends are then filled with time with Layla and the girls.
And Layla and I are both enjoying our new bike lead which allows us to take bike rides together... good exercise for me (when I get to pedal) and great exercise for her as she runs her little heart out! The days are going by... I wouldn't complain if they went a little faster, but I am enjoying the time that I have. I know he is doing things he has been trained to do and has been looking forward to actually putting into practice. And, I am so proud of him. But, as the days go by I am counting down to when he will be back home with me so we can start having fun together again!

Have had dinner with the other "Bluffton" girls, and am so thankful to have all of them!
I love you and miss you Skeeter.
I am so proud of you, Jess! You are kicking this deployment's butt! :)
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