With the job offer from two weeks ago I have spent lots of time since then trying to find someplace to live in Savannah. Finding my own place to live is something that I have not had to do in over 4 years so, needless to say, this has been even more stressful. I have been looking all over downtown Savannah trying to find that perfect place. Well, yesterday I think I found it!! I went and looked at an apartment in a building where I had looked at a different place, but this one was upstairs and I loved it! The landlord seems great, the rent is just what I was hoping for, the area is fantastic and its only 5 minutes to work! With starting work tonight and then going to Ohio for Christmas, the holidays, blah blah blah it won't be until after Christmas that I can get together with him and sign a lease, etc but he is fine with that and is being totally understanding!
Boobyholder to the Rescue!
10 years ago
Ohhhh, it's adorable!!
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