With last weekend being a long weekend for BW we tried to spend it exploring and doing new things in the area. It was nice, not stressful but fun-filled and of course wonderful to just be spending time together with BW.
Friday night we just had dinner together at a local seafood place and then watched some TV. BW had had such a long week with work and so it was just a restful evening. Saturday we decided to attend an Oyster Roast at a park in Beaufort.
We love some oysters, and all-you-can-eat oysters... well you know we are there!!!
Saturday night we went to Savannah to see our favorite 80s cover band play at the Wild Wing there. It was only BW and one of the guys from his sqaudron and I, but we had an absolute blast!

After the concert we went to a local pizza place to get a late-night snack...

Sunday we spent the day "exploring" the area, one of BW and my favorite things to do when we lived in California. Even though out there we had so many places to see and things to do, we are trying to find what we can here too, and being outside is a little easier with the weather in So Cal, but we are making the best of it... So, we bundled up and headed to Hunting Island to see what we could find, and we took Layla! We walked around on the marsh walk, found a couple little trails to follow, went up the lighthouse and walked along the beach. All-in-all it a great fun day.
From the top of the lighthouse

Taking a break after walking on the beach with Layla

Shrimp boats along the drive back
Even if we didn't travel far or go someplace great and exciting, it was a great weekend and I am cherishing every moment we get to spend together more than ever before. I look forward to the free weekends that we will have over the next few months and the fun things that we will do during those times!
Hope you had a great weekend too!
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