Thursday, May 22, 2008

May Memories

The month of May is filled with many memories for me, some happy some really sad... this year, it has seemed that there have been more sad ones than happy. But, even the sad ones elicit happy memories as well.
May 6th... Nurses Day (go me! haha) but also the day my Grandpa Charlie died unexpectedly 2 years ago. He went to sleep on Friday night and never woke up, no warning, but GOD knew that was the best way for him to have to go. I remember the sadness that my mom dealt with in losing her daddy. I remember going fishing with Grandpa, I remember all of us cousins getting together and causing all sorts of a ruckus just to get him worked up some... I remember him always involved in our lives.
May 18th... my parent's wedding anniversary, it would have been 34 years this year! I could not have asked for two more loving parents who showed me a successful, loving marriage. Don't get me wrong, those two had their issues just like anyone else! But, underneath all of that I always knew how much they loved each other and that they supported each other, and always would. The bond that I saw when my mom was sick was amazing to me, and I will always look up to my parents for the amazing marriage they had and can only hope and pray that one day mine will follow in their image.
May 22nd... today. 9 years ago today I learned what it is like to lose a friend. Nine years ago... it seems so much more recent! Lora Hernandez and Lisa Roberts were killed in a car accident in the early hours of that morning. They had been out with other of our college friends, off to see a movie and were heading to get something to eat. I had been out with all of them the very night before but decided to go home to my parents' that day... I will not forget getting the phone call early that morning "...there's been an accident... Lora is in ICU at Grant..." Up and out of my house to spend the day in the ICU waiting room with college friends and then Lora's mom waiting for her daddy to arrive. Two young lives lost, so many other lives touched by them. Those two girls were amazing girls... beautiful girls, extraordinary personalities and amazing examples of Christ's love, both terribly missed by SO many!

Of course there are other days in May that have other memories... friend's birthdays, friend's deployment dates, fun activities... but those three I mentioned are the ones that stick out the most. They are the ones that never pass without me remembering what they each mean... they don't pass without me missing my Grandpa, my mom or my friends.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Feels Like HOME!!

My vacation is over... Spring Break has come to an end and now I am back to work. I have only been back for 24 hours and I am already going crazy wanting to be in San Diego with all my friends out there. It's home. That is what I figured out this past week while I was there. Kinda scary for me to admit!! But, the people I spent the past week with mean more to me than I can express and have been with me through some really tough times. The friendships that have been built are the ones that will last a lifetime and the ones that I cannot live without.

It was the most amazing week ever.... so many fun times spent catching up with friends. Getting to know other friends better... and just being together. I didn't want to leave.. big surprise. And I cannot wait to get back out there!

Probably not a big realization that San Diego is "home" to me, but when I was asked by my friends when I was "coming home" I realized, it just seemed right. Who knows... my contract here is through the end of August, 4 more months... but, I would not be surprised if there is a cross-country trip and San Diego address in the future this year!