Friday, January 23, 2009

Two Years... my memories

I can't believe it was two years ago today that you went home to our Heavenly Father for eternity. I remember so clearly the weeks leading up to today -- well, honestly to yesterday -- and can vividly remember everything that went on for me yesterday and today, two years ago. I had been up to Ohio to see you after you had had a really rough time on the 12th of this month, so I came up and will never forget that night I walked into the hospital room for the first time. We opened the door and the room was full of people from church and full of God's spirit. I remember the group of people parting as I walked through the door so I could see you and walk over to dad. I remember Curt Fannin praying for you before they all left that evening. I remember being so thankful for those people who were supporting my family (and me) during this time. I remember being at the hospital with you that week and the times that we were able to chat shortly and remind each other of our love. I am so thankful for those times! I remember having to leave to go back to work in Texas... so hard. Then I remember January 22, 2007... I had worked the night before, and as was habit called in the morning to see how your night went. It was a rough one, but you were resting at that point. During the day I know the doctor(s) and your nurse called me a couple of times to update me on what was going on and how things were changing. I called when I was up and on my way to work to check again and dad told me that things were not good, but at that point there was no way for me to get out of Corpus until the next morning... dad told me just to go to work. So, I got my Jamba Juice ( you know how much I love those!! ) and went into work. I am so thankful for how amazing the people I worked with in Corpus Christi were and how understanding they were, they could not understand why I was even at work that night! but, I am my daddy's girl and what else could I do? I remember talking to Jen early on that night when they left, she told me things were ok. Shawn had held Cody up in front of your bed when they were leaving and you opened your eyes and said "bye buddy, I love you" I remember going to lunch and dad calling and I knew, before I answered, what he was going to say to me. I remember the call. BW called right after daddy did, and when I told him he of course left to meet me at my house. I left work, that was never a question, I think they told me to leave... they were so supportive. I remember going home... I remember calling Pam and talking to daddy a couple more times. I flew out at 6am, BW had his PRT that morning so it worked out well for him to drop me off at the airport before going to work. I remember seeing Jen at the airport and all the talks and decisions of that day and the couple that followed. I remember you. I miss you, momma, more than I can ever express. I love you. And I remember how much you loved me. So much has happened in the past two years that I have wanted so badly to share with you, and at times have had to remind myself that I can't, in the conventional way anyway. You would have loved knowing that I finally moved to San Diego, where I always wanted to go! and, you would have loved coming out to visit!!! The girls I met out there, you would have truly appreciated the friendships I built and how amazing they have been to me. I needed you during the time that BW and I were not together, and wanted to share with you the excitement and happiness that came when we decided to get back together. Alix got engaged and married... boy did I need you during that for so many different reasons. And, I needed you more than ever this last month with taking a staff job and finding a place to live... wow! I moved to Savannah, you would love it here! And, I really am happy with my new job. I wish I could tell you so much about it, so much that you would be so proud of me for, and only you would really understand why it is all so important and be proud of me.

But, we are ok. As much as we all miss you, God has provided us all with supportive people in our lives to help us through these difficult days and to just be there and support and love us. I know you would be thankful for that as well.

I miss you, momma, and I love you. I hope you are celebrating your Homecoming today.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our Weekend in Beaufort

With last weekend being a long weekend for BW we tried to spend it exploring and doing new things in the area. It was nice, not stressful but fun-filled and of course wonderful to just be spending time together with BW.

Friday night we just had dinner together at a local seafood place and then watched some TV. BW had had such a long week with work and so it was just a restful evening. Saturday we decided to attend an Oyster Roast at a park in Beaufort.
We love some oysters, and all-you-can-eat oysters... well you know we are there!!!

Saturday night we went to Savannah to see our favorite 80s cover band play at the Wild Wing there. It was only BW and one of the guys from his sqaudron and I, but we had an absolute blast!

After the concert we went to a local pizza place to get a late-night snack...

Sunday we spent the day "exploring" the area, one of BW and my favorite things to do when we lived in California. Even though out there we had so many places to see and things to do, we are trying to find what we can here too, and being outside is a little easier with the weather in So Cal, but we are making the best of it... So, we bundled up and headed to Hunting Island to see what we could find, and we took Layla! We walked around on the marsh walk, found a couple little trails to follow, went up the lighthouse and walked along the beach. All-in-all it a great fun day.

From the top of the lighthouse

Taking a break after walking on the beach with Layla

Shrimp boats along the drive back

Even if we didn't travel far or go someplace great and exciting, it was a great weekend and I am cherishing every moment we get to spend together more than ever before. I look forward to the free weekends that we will have over the next few months and the fun things that we will do during those times!

Hope you had a great weekend too!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Photo Tag

My dear friend Cara has tagged me with a photo tag request. However, since I am BW's house I had to bend the rules just slightly to use a photo that actually meant something to me! Luckily it worked out pretty well

One of my favorites of BW and I. This was 2007 in San Diego (wow! I can't believe it was so long ago when we were there!!!). Our dear friend Bucky had come down to San Diego from WA to visit and we were all out in PB. Obviously it was a college football Saturday as you can tell by my loyal support for my OSU Buckeyes =) We had a great night... I do cherish all the friends we have made along this journey that my life became part of when I started dating BW. There have been so many wonderful people met and friendships built. I wish we could plan a "reunion" and get everyone together again!

So here are the rules:

Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos. Select your 4th picture (no exceptions)! Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger. Tag someone else (or 4 other people) to do the same!!

Since my list of blogger friends is not so long, I am just going to Tag Teresa. I have known Teresa for more years than I want to count out because it really doesn't seem like it should be that many! But we worked together in Columbus in the NICU... what fun memories I have of nights spent working with her! Miss you girlie!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Busy Busy

I have not taken the time to write for awhile, and thought I would quickly leave a note about what has been going on.....

The Christmas holiday went well. I was able to head to Ohio for the weekend before and enjoy time with the family. We had lots of fun -- despite my hating the bitterly cold weather and being all too ready to head south again! Then I worked the acutal holiday here at my new job. And even though it was not my first year working the holiday(s) it was much harder this time than ever before. I thought I was okay... until I was on my way into work Christmas night and realized that everyone I knew and cared about was somewhere else, with other loved ones and I was alone. And it was not that I was even going to work with people I had close friendships with like previous holidays, it was a new job with new people. But, the night went well. BW came home that Sunday and we were able to spend some time together and had our Christmas on New Year's Eve morning. New Year's Eve we spent at the home of one of the guy's he flies with and his wife along with many others from the squadron. It was so much fun. The guys are great, and more importantly the wives' are all fantastic too! (friends for very important upcoming months...)

The weekend after New Year's was spent moving, moving and moving. Everything is in the new place, and is slowly being unpacked and put away. It is sooo good to feel "at home" and not have to live out of that same suitcase I have been for the past month!!! How exciting it was to unpack all the clothes I was so tired of in NC but now am so happy to see again =) Layla is not sure about the new place and has had some barking/panic attacks the past two nights I have been working... she needs to get over that real quick!

BW has started some intense flight training and so is now very stressed and busy. Hopefully he will become more comfortable with what he is doing, I know he will do great but he is still a little unsure... We were able to celebrate his birthday with a sushi dinner at one of our favorite places in Bluffton. It was oh! so good.... we love our sushi!!!

This weekend is a party for a couple of the guys who are leaving the squadron and I am already looking forward to the food... is that bad?? Eating is one of my favorite things, ya know! Hoping for a great weekend... BW and I are both making the most of the time we have together since it is limited.

I will try and get some pictures from all of this non-sense that has been going on posted on here... I do have some really cute ones of my nephew, the cutest little boy ever!!! =)